Lots of info on the Back 2 School Bash is online now. We hope to see you all there! https://www.hayscatholicschools.org/article/510853
Homecoming 2021 is September 17 & 18. Info is online now at https://www.hayscatholicschools.org/page/homecoming
If you haven't yet tried it, check out the Sunflower Summer app! There are still several weeks of summer left!
Like and follow the new Advancement/Alumni Facebook page.... #foreveramonarch
All presentations of The Phantom of the Opera are sold out. Thank you for your support of the TMP-Marian Drama Department.
You are in the right place! Graduation will begin at 2:00 pm.
Click here to view the live stream: https://youtu.be/HB2JnTn5M58